
Showing posts from May, 2021

Episode 32: Using Their Precious Connection—

(TLN: Buckle up, the ending of this chapter is sooo good!) "...*Hic...*Hic...*Gulp.....How terrible....." Right now, it's about 7pm— I've been crying on my bed since yesterday. I was looking forward to going on a date with Kanzaki-kun for my birthday, but she  stole it from me. Also, what he said after that. He forgot my birthday which became the last blow that got me to my knees. Because that would mean he didn't care about me... You didn't care about me, so you forgot about my birthday..? ...However, this is just the selfish me. I'm not Kanzaki-kun's girlfriend. I'm not in a position to complain about who he hangs out with and when. From Kanzaki-kun's point of view, it would seem as if I was unreasonably angry with him. ...And I think so too. But, you know...Since Kanzaki-kun has been listening to my wishes recently, I couldn't resist thinking that he would accept it this time too. Before I knew it, I became that selfish... But, I can'